mending mamre

Mending Mamre


In 2018 we continued our Mending Mamre campaign:  A Mass Sterilisation campaign in partnership with FOUR PAWS South Africa.  Our goal, to sterilise 70% of the breeding pet population, was reached by the end of 2018.  We sterilised 947 animals in 2018 and another 80 in 2019; bringing our total to 2042 animals sterilised in Mamre since the campaign rolled out in 2017. Furthermore, we ran full time educational programs not only for learners but one-on-one adult education, living condition improvements for animals (where over 400 kennels were distributed as well as runners) as well as numerous medical interventions for sick animals. Puppies and kittens under 6 months of age received core vaccinations, and all animals received Rabies vaccines.  Through sterilisation and vaccinations, this will greatly reduce the amount of stray animals and the spread of disease, be it zoonotic or amongst pets. Mass sterilisation campaigns also ease the burden of unwanted and abused pets, on local animal welfares and rescue centers. We believe that this campaign will have a valued impact on the Mamre  community and their pets for decades to come.



Unsterilised female dog and her unsterilised litters over a period of 6 years can produce:


Our Mission

We all know that many animals in South Africa face terrible hardships. This is caused by not only social and economic problems, but the over-breeding of pets. When there are simply not enough good and sustainable homes for these animals; it leads to suffering, cruelty and neglect. 


Your small contribution makes a huge difference and enables us
to continue the amazing work we do.


Adopting an animal will not change the world, but it will change THEIR world forever. Adopt, don’t shop!


Fostering is not a lifetime commitment,
but it is a commitment to saving a life.


There are different ways to actively support Animal Welfare, and volunteering is one of them.

OUR SUPPAWTERS mean the world to us

Join our community 

Phone : +27 (0) 21 510 7360

Cell : +27 (0) 83 642 2805

56 Koeberg Rd, Brooklyn

Cape Town, 7405